Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, redefined the government, and ushered in a new era of conservatism.


Pre-Presidency Years

Ronald Reagan was an actor for over 30 years and appeared in over 50 movies. In 1940 he married Jane Wyman, the divorced in 1948. During WW2, he spent his time making military films and left the military as a captain. In the early 50s he met Nancy Davis, the future first lady. The were married in 1952.  In 1964 he was elected the governor of California. He made 2 unsuccessful bids for the Republican nomination in 1967 and 1976, but was finally chosen in 1980, when he was elected for presidency.

Domestic Issues

Back home in  America, Reagan implemented new policies that reduced social programs and business regulations that were put in place by former liberal president, Jimmy Carter. He advocated larger military spending through his “Peace through Power” policies. In 1983 the US entered a 7 year period of wealth and economic growth. Many critics stated that instead of helping Americans, he actually made life harder for the middle class and for the poor.

Foreign Affairs

The biggest foreign issue during Reagan’s presidency was the Cold War. During hiss first term, he referred to the Soviet Union as “the evil empire”. Reagan started a massive build-up of American troops, and weapons (especially nuclear). He started the Reagan Doctrine which gave aid to anti-communist rebels in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In 1983 he stated the Strategic Defence Initiative, a plans in which America would develop space based weapons, defending America from Soviet nuclear missiles. In October 1983, Reagan invaded Granada to fight communist rebels, after they overthrew the government.

After his landslide victory against Walter Mondale (Reagan carried 49 states), he made a stronger effort to communicate with the Soviet chairman, Mikhail Gorbachev.  In 1987 he signed a very important agreement with the Soviets to get rid of mid range nuclear missiles.

The Berlin Wall

Also in 1987 he gave the famous “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!” speech, protesting the Berlin Wall, a historically important symbol of communism and its strength. 29 months later, the wall was disassembled, ending the Soviets’ power in East Germany. After his presidency ended, Reagan went to a newly reunified Germany, and took symbolic swings at some of the leftover pieces of the wall.

Later Years and Legacy

In 1994, it was revealed that he had Alzheimer’s. On June 5, 2004, he passed away in Los Angeles, California. He redefined what it was to be conservative and paved the way for most Republican politicians today.

“Ronald Wilson Reagan.” Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 06 June 2014.

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